Summer Reading as a College Student and Youngish Adult

When I was a college student way back in the 1980’s, I had a recurring and amazing summer seasonal job on a survey crew working for the USDA Forest Service.  Once I graduated, my new husband and I stayed and worked the full seasonal appointment of 180 days, starting sometime in the spring and ending …

Bookshelves: Theory, Organization and Meaning

I wanted to write a bit about bookshelves. Bookshelves are basic furniture and mostly not very remarkable.  They come in many varieties from board and cinder block, to built-in. Some are floor to ceiling; some are short and squat. Some beautifully crafted, and some come in a flat box to put together. My first memory …

Apples and “The Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien

I was in high school in the late 1970’s and during the oil embargo, my school district voted not to build a much-needed school building and instead had the middle school and high school students use the same space in “split shifts”.  The building was the high school from 7:00 am to noon and the …