First Memory of Reading

I related in a previous post that I remember the light bulb moment in kindergarten of putting together the alphabet song with the actual letters.  So, it seems strange to me that I do not have any recollections of “cracking the code” of reading.  Back in the 1960’s students were taught to read in the first grade, rather than kindergarten like they are now. My next clear memory of reading is the first day of first grade.  We were sitting in rows of desks and I was at the front of one of the rows as my last name started with “B”. 

I remember being handed a reader that first day.  I am certain it was of the famous “Dick and Jane” series. It was like a gift! I totally unplugged from the class and teacher and read that book cover to cover.  Somehow, between kindergarten and the first day of first grade I had taught myself to read. It was also the year the students were separated into “levels”.  I was in the lowest reading level.  Years later I surmised this was because A) I never spoke and B) I rarely if ever would do the worksheets we were given.  I thought that since it was called “Reading” that is all I should have to do and the worksheets were boring and took away time from reading.  Ah, the logic of a 6-year-old!

4 thoughts on “First Memory of Reading

  1. Quite the ‘do, I admit! I actually remember my mom teasing my hair and spraying it with hairspray because it was “picture day”. I thought that little velvet bow was so pretty! I tipped my head down a bit to make sure it got in the photo!

  2. I still remember my elementary school library – the look, th smell, the feel of the books. Love your blog!! How did you come up with the name, I quite like it.

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